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Meets February 27, 2024.

😻 All our Meets events are nice, interactive and interesting. Our upcoming Meets the Future of Design Systems will have a look at where we think Design Systems might be evolving.

We have three design systems experts speaking at our event. Register your free ticket and spread the love! We open our virtual doors 15 minutes before we start on Tuesday, February 27, 2024 at 8 AM PT 🌍 and we’ll finish around 10 AM.

🌊 8 AM — San Diego (US)
👵🏾 11 AM — Miami (US)
🚂 5 PM — Copenhagen (DK)
🏍️ 11 PM — Bangkok (TH)


We love it when our speakers do live things: they show how they work — their setup, techniques and shortcuts for getting work done in live interactive sessions. So you can learn from their techniques (and mistakes).

Vitaly, the one who loves ironing, front-end, UX and has tons of crazy ideas.

Conference February 27

February 27 – Conference

7:45 AM

Doors Open

8:00 AM


For our upcoming Smashing Meets event on the Future of Design Systems, our friendly hosts Vitaly & Jarijn will welcome you and quickly explain how the Meets will run. We can’t wait to meet you!

8:10 AM

A Global Design System

Design system advocates have for years shouted “Let’s stop reinventing the wheel! Let’s save designers and developers time and agony! Let’s promote consistency and cohesion! Let’s ship higher-quality users interfaces!” Design systems help us work smarter and better, but an ironic pattern emerges: every organization ends up building solutions that overlap substantially with what every other organization is building. Right now, vast numbers of human beings are devoting their time and energy to designing, building, documenting, and maintaining the exact same set of common user interface components.

In this talk, Brad Frost will express the need for A Global Design System that would improve the quality and accessibility of the world’s web experiences, save the world’s web designers and developers millions of hours, and make better use of our collective human potential.

Brad Frost
8:50 AM

Measuring Design System Success in Production

We spend so much time and effort creating and maintaining design systems. Yet, many of us can not answer some of these standard questions:
- How is my design system used over time?
- Which team and projects are using my components?
- How can I identify emerging patterns to improve my components?

In this talk you’ll learn about the advancing strategy of design system analytics, what the best companies do to track design system success, and the emerging tools solving these analytics challenges.

Adam Lagerhausen
9:10 AM

Short Break

Time to stretch those legs, visit that (extremely clean :) toilet, or even check your email!

9:20 AM

When Will AI Replace Us?

There's a prevailing, yet understandable, anxiety that artificial intelligence might one day supplant us as designers, developers, and documentarians. With AI tools improving day by day, it would be imprudent not to prepare for a future where AI could significantly transform our work.

In this timely, fun, and practical talk, Kevin Coyle shows you how you and your teammates can use AI—right now, to deliver better, faster front-end work. He'll show you how to sidestep AI's (often hilarious!) shortcomings. And he'll show how we have to adapt our skills, process, and expectations to make room for our new robot colleagues. This future doesn't have to be scary!

Kevin Coyle
10:00 AM

Panel discussion

Time to get even more interactive at our speaker panel — ask your questions and get your answers!

10:30 AM


What? The End? Yeahhss. But we are certain you learned somethingin the process. And luckily there is always the videos, the slides, the collaborative docs, and more. We’ll send them your way shortly. Thank you for joining us & see you again soon! ⛱